
Burst Training…YES!


400m walk
1 mile *burst run --
400m walk
1 mile burst run
400 m walk
1 mile burst run
400m walk

This workout was AWESOME!!! I adapted it from something I read and it was the perfect amount of push and intensity with enough rest incorporated that I felt like I got the max amount out of this workout. Hardest I have worked out since the baby. It's an awesome speed workout. I know because I was getting faster during the workout. 1st mile--9:59; 2nd mile--9:44; 3rd mile--9:48. 4 miles total with the walk, but didn't feel like 4 miles at all. Definitely putting this workout in the rotation.

*Burst run=jog and then sprint at the top of every minute for 10 seconds (so when your clock hits one minute then sprint 10 seconds, at two minutes sprint 10 secs, etc. until you finish 1 mile)